The full automatic Magirus M55L turntable ladder with combined, simultaneous movements according to DIN EN 14043. The 6-part ladder set comes with active oscillation damping CS (Computer Stabilized) and VARIO jacking safety system. The ladder turret with automactic self-levelling provides up to 14 % side slope. The Magirus M55L is very easy to safely operate thanks to display indications and computer monitoring. The rescue cage with centrally arranged control stand comes with entrance gates at the cage front corners according to practical experience.
- Autopilot: Memory control, shaft rescue function, automatic ladder rest position
- Swivel device for stretcher: 200 kg
- Crane device for lifting and lowering loads of max. 4,000 kg
- Electric remote controller water monitor, with oscillation function
- Load eye up to 300 kg on the cage floor and on top ladder section up to 400 kg, e.g. for the transport of loads or rescue of oversized persons with heavy duty stretcher
- Descent device on the cage
- Exterior design and painting options
- Centrifugal fire pumps
- Foam proportioning systems
- Power supply to the cage, 3 x 240 V, 1 x 400 V with floodlights
- Self-protection sprinkler system on the cage
- Elevator for 2 persons 180 kg
- Radio remote control for elevator
- Wind gauge
- Remote diagnostic system
- Wide ranging additional equipment available